第七百五十四章 王明的剑灵(五更)

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    &a;lt;The helplessness of the Iortal King&a;gt;









    I stayed up all night till the rning


    Worried about so tiny thing


    Tell  who~ ~ see how helpless is the king


    A rising jin of flying talisns


    tales without a turnout


    My only orue wish, is in fact for world peace~



    School life is like a duckweed


    Driftiing, and parting


    Chasing the dreathat’s far in front


    Recall the elves that you caught as a young kid


    Recall those odd years and tis of yours



    Hold  hand, raise your head


    See the splendor of each year


    Don’t look back, use the beat


    Sing the Iortal’s Ballad


    Walk ahead, keep your head high


    If you are here


    I will never lose  way


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